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Meet 2DayWeDance

Is there a more perfect way to meet each other, become friends, fall in love and start a business together than doing so while dancing? We can't really think of any.. But we might be biased, because that's exactly what happened with us!


We met at a social -salsa party- and from there on our journey started. We connected through dance (backgrounds), and we connected by inspiring each other to step out of our comfort zones. We were suprised to find that none of us needed to convince the other to dance pretty much anywhere. A fellow dancer once described our dancing as 'off the grid' and 'being free', and we love it! Now we are here to help you boost your confidence, expand your freedom and to find that sweet spot between trusting and leading. We will not just teach to connect with your (dance)partner, but also with yourself. The only thing standing between you and your freedom is your comfort zone - and dancing is the most fun way of literally moving out of it!


Meet Your Teachers

Cuban salsa teacher amsterdam classes

David Nelwan

For me dance is a total expression of the full self, with no holding back. I let myself be controlled by the energy, the music, the rhythm, the instruments. When everything sinks together I start to move and I don’t know where it goes...

I am not afraid, because it’s me that I am expressing. It’s so beautiful what comes out of it.


This art of expression i now can experience in partner dancing. To be a witness and to see it by the people we teach, is something magical!

I am looking forward to dance with you!

Cubaanse salsa docent amsterdam

Laila Mol

I've always been fascinated by the ways people express themselves. There's a funny tension between expressing and impressing, and I think it's important to know when you're doing what. I've always loved writing, making music, photography and, of course, dancing. I think we should, as with every art forms, always ask ourselves the big 'why'. Why am I dancing? Why am I singing, or painting? Would I do the same, if no one's watching?


Expression to me is beautiful, but beautiful also means imperfection. Wanting to impress the world around us. That's where the tension comes in. I am here to hopefully inspire you to be honest, within your dancing, within your art, whitin your ways. Let's be imperfect together, come dance with me!

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